Cobia fishing port canaveral

Deep-sea fishing can be incredibly exciting. If you’re looking for a chance to do something out of the ordinary with friends or co-workers, then deep sea fishing at Port Canaveral is a great opportunity to consider. One of the many types of fish that you might snag is the massive Cobia fish, a large saltwater fish that is commonly found off the coast of Florida.

The Cobia Fish

Cobia season usually kicks off in March in the Port Canaveral Area. We see the fish pushing up from the south where they spend the winter months in the keys. Cobia prefer the water temps to be around 70 degrees.

On Anglers Envy Fishing Charters, we love to sight fish for Cobia. We will fish in 40-70 feet of water looking for free swimming Cobia or will look for giant Manta Rays swimming along the surface. It truly is an exciting way to fish, sight casting bucktail jigs or live baits and watching a Cobia just attack it.

The Cobia will be around till next fall but this is the time year you will have a great opportunity to sight fish for them. The average size runs around 25-35 lbs, but we do hook into an occasional 50-70 lb slob.

Cobia on the plate is a delicious table fare. You can cook about any way you would like. It’s good grilled because of the firm white meat doesn’t break apart like other fish.

If you’re interested in doing some sight fishing for Cobia and Tripletail please contact Anglers Envy Fishing Charters. When the fishing is hot it will be a memory that will last forever.

How to Catch Cobia

The size and shape of a Cobia makes it easy to mistake it with a shark, especially when its fins protrude from the water. The Cobia is sometimes known as the Crab Eater, Black Kingfish, or Lemonfish. Blue crabs are one of their favorite snacks, but they also eat stingrays while baits such as pinfish, eel, and hardhead catfish work well when trying to snag a Cobia fish.

Cobia fish are relatively solitary, except when they go scavenging for food or it’s spawning season. Charter fishing in Port Canaveral is a great way to try and catch a Cobia , as they’re particularly abundant in these southern waters and in the Caribbean Sea.

These fish like to hang out around buoys, navigational markers, reefs, and wrecks that have occurred offshore or inshore. They like to linger around these structures, which makes finding a good location to catch them a little easier. Overall, it helps to have a guide take the lead and show you the prime locations, as well as to help provide the best bait options and their knowledge about casting techniques.

If you want to know more about the best deep sea fishing charter in Port Canaveral, FL, or to learn more about how to snag this spectacular fish, then contact us at Angler’s Envy today! We can help you live the deep-sea fishing adventure of your dreams.

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